Take advantage of discounts on fresh locally sourced produce, grocery and wellness items by shopping weekly!
Sale items available from December 18th thru December 23rd
Fresh is the Best! Food Shed Co-op Fresh Deals are tasty specials that are updated weekly and feature the best the season has to offer! Our flyer shows just a taste of the deals available in-store. Stop by often to see and take advantage of the best prices.
Co-op Basics offers everyday low prices on a variety of popular grocery and household staples – the building blocks for hearty meals and day-to-day living. From beans and broth to pasta and paper towels, you’ll find new low prices on some old favorites, and many organic products. Just look for the purple Co-op Basics label!
Co-op Deals are sales open to everyone. These sales come to the Co-op, because of our membership in the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA). By pooling our buying power through the NCGA we are able to get better sale prices from our distributors than we could as a single store.
Current Co-op Deals: This is a national publication by National Co+op Grocers. Not all items listed are available at Food Shed Co-op. Please give us a call at 815-687-8480 to check the availability of an item.