Wooden Nickel Program Application
Food Shed Co-op is guided by the 8 Cooperative Principles, the 7th of which is “Concern for Community.” We take this seriously, and our donations programs are aimed at creating real connection to local causes as much as raising funds for them.
Food Shed Co-op’s “In the Bag!” Wooden Nickel Program promotes the reuse of shopping bags and reusable containers by rewarding those customers who bring in their own bags (paper, cloth or plastic) or containers (for use in the Bulk Department) and by passing on the money saved to local charitable organizations. It’s a win for everyone!
When customers reuse shopping bags or containers at Food Shed Co-op, they get a wooden nickel for each one. The nickels are then donated through the co-op’s “In the Bag!” giving program. There are two acrylic boxes located at the front of the store designated for two specific local organizations (chosen on a quarterly basis). Customers deposit their wooden nickels into the box of their choice. At the end of each quarter, the nickels are counted and the charities receive a check for the collected amount, up to $250.
Every three months we select two new 501(c)3 non-profit organizations to be involved in our fundraising efforts.